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"About Us" Page
About Our Family
We come from a varied "Garden plot"-
Our roots trace back through Taino Indian / Scottish / Irish -with some distant seedlings from the Sioux and Cherokee. With family, people filling in as family, and friends we love like family,...plus the blessings we enjoy by belonging to a worldwide "Garden" that is interwoven and deeply rooted through our love and respect for Jehovah God, our spiritual ties, the longest lasting, most valued and closest of all.

Our Favorite Things To Do

At our ages, -Evan, 6 months, and Jalen 1 year, we came to live at our mahma and papi's house. We basically do our baby stuff and keep everyone busy with formulas and diaper duty, rocking, burping, bathing, singing, reading, cuddling and snuggling till bedtime-then we get em' up at the crack of dawn and start the process over again-Laughing

ages 1, (Evan Josef) and 2, (Jalen Tyino)"We like to climb in cardboard boxes,(big ones, little ones we really can't fit into, but try anyway)We like to climb, and JUMP! Climbing and Jumping, yes, those are our favorites. Climb on the coffee table, jump into the blanket and pillows on the floor. Climb onto the couch and jump on it, then jump off...yes, climbing and jumping rank pretty high with both of us right now."

 UPDATE!~ Ages 2, Evan, and 3, Jalen, We have discovered SLIDES~ we love playgrounds and slides, swings and slides, and slides all by themselves. We love DINOSAURS, ("land before time"-kind, not Jurrassic Park) Spiderman, and if anyone ever sees a movie where Spiderman saves dinosaurs, PLEASE tell Mahma, so she can get it for us!

 UPDATE: We LOVE the Library! Books are awesome! We like to read one called the "the potty", (we're both kinda workin on that right now...) We like "Yertyl the Turtle",  and a story called "YAAAaa Spiders!" We make our Brandi read and reread them so we can learn the words. Our favorite video is the DVD about "David", from the Watchtower Society, we watch it over and over again, and always wonder if he's gonna be stronger than the bear, the next time.

BESTEST UPDATE: As of December 2005 our family status is now concrete. We have 'official' parents, and are now the legally adopted sons of mahma and papi. We can live here forever, ...literally- if Jehovah sees fit!

Eternal and Heartfelt gratitude to all of those who sacrificed and worked so hard to help us make that happen. YOU know who You Are!

August 2007- Believe it or not, ready or not- Both of us are gonna try some preschool, and Jalen starts Kindergarten this year!

Some of Our Favorite People
HOW do we choose? Why do we HAVE to? Of course, some very important people are missing from our lives right now, but (thank Jehovah!) we have Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandma Millie, Great Grandma's Janie and Sharon, Great Grandpa Roger, Papi and Mahma, and LOTS of "Adopteds", who are SO GOOD to us, and who we love VERY MUCH!

Our family has a site here:

Our family has another Web site.